Catching up on the last months

Tristan, of course. In Tuscany on our family trip to Italy to celebrate Genevieve’s graduation.

Safe travels Tristan! Today my son set off for his third year of university. He’s on to another adventure at The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. It was fun to help pack up his car this morning and see him on his way. He leads such a rich life at school with his theater endeavors, fraternity, friends, and this year a new job at the darling little coffee house Stirling’s.

Boy, time flies. Two years ago we had just sent Tristan off for his first year. The nest was empty and Rich and I were embarking on our Camino de Santiago walk right after Labor Day.

Now, for some catching up… Our daughter Genevieve graduated from Trinity University in May (big sigh of relief!) and now the nest is not quite as empty, as she is living at home and has her first full-time job. I figure this next year is all about “adulting” – learning about paychecks, taxes, making rent, paying for your own “stuff”, saving money, finding out life is a bunch of compromises and figuring out what you want in life. It all seems a bit much to ask of our over-sheltered adult children! And apparently it’s time for Mom (me, that is) to butt out. I shall try…

So I haven’t post in FOREVER, for good reason. I took on too many endeavors at the beginning of the year. I decided to faithfully study Spanish every day because I intended to volunteer at a pilgrim Welcome Center on the Camino de Santiago (that never happened). I committed to the Bible Challenge, a year of reading the bible 6 days a week. I started piano lessons as a complete beginner. I also had ambitions to exercise daily and meditate. I started Bullet Journaling too… All of a sudden I had no free time! So blogging was sacrificed because I felt like I had nothing worthwhile to say anyway.

Now at the end of August I am still faithfully, if somewhat painfully, keeping up with The Bible Challenge. Piano continues and I am VERY glad I decided to do this. It is exciting and keeps my brain and fingers working hard. Meditation is a very occasional thing. I like it, but can’t find a time and place that works well. And I quit with the Spanish after March. Exercise is only twice a week, once hour with my personal trainer Rebecca and once hour of pilates with my coach Olivia. I ADDED weight watchers in April (just using the WW app) and I’ve lost just under 10 pounds and will continue with this effort.

So, I am hoping to start posting regularly again. We had some adventures this summer that I’d like to share, such as another walking trip (The Speyside Way in Scotland). Here’s to a new start!