Caminho Português 2024: Day 14 Santiago!

We made it, again

In front of the cathedral with the pilgrim crowds. 2,504 pilgrims have arrived today so far. Photo taken by British pilgrim friend Annabelle.

Another pilgrimage is complete. We arrived before noon after an early start (mostly due to being woken at 4 am by some Portuguese hostel companions who thought they were departing quietly.

Leaving in the pre-dawn
Last night’s hostel O Lagar de Jesus (Jesus’ wine press). The location was gorgeous, the hospitality was not that good.

I have a lot to write about the previous 3 days that we spent on the spiritual variant, but last night and today were special because we walked with an Israeli pilgrim named David. I will never forget the experience of my life intersecting with his, even if it was for less than 24 hours. What amazing sharing of life we experienced. This is the “why” of the Camino. I spoke with him for hours yesterday while we rested our feet in a pool and then all morning today.

Last night we had a communal meal and had some really interesting conversations with some Portuguese pilgrims too, a lot of conversation about real estate and the impact of foreigners buying up Portuguese homes. We also met an Asian-American actress named Christine from California.

Push to Santiago. Under 20 km away.
Walking with David (Israel).

Now, we just finished up laundry chores, a street musician is playing outside our window, and we’re going to head to Pilgrim mass in the cathedral. Tomorrow we start the 5 day Camino Finisterre out to the cape.

Our Portuguese Caminho credencials have stamps front and back proving we walked all the way from Lisbon.
Rich’s certificate Compostela, in Latin.
My distance certificate.


  1. Tracy Chugani | 2nd Jun 24

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S! So happy for you guys! Amazing journey which I so appreciate getting to hear about through your posts. Many thanks, Denise! Safe travels home!

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