Caminho Português: Day 14 & 15

To Paradise

Watermill hostel in Paradise

Yesterday was another long day because I booked at a hostel in “Paradise”, at a former watermill. The water was freezing which is great for pilgrim feet. Rich and I admired the great rock schist around too, although that proved a bit complicated to explain to our German host.

Approaching throughout the forest
Pilgrim season sign– it even rhymes!

Yep. Lots of pilgrims here about, but most of them headed south towards the shrine in Fatima. Still it is great to hear everybody on the street call out “Bom Caminho” or “Boa viagem”.

Rain from storm Oscar today. We are passing along old Roman roads, medieval bridges and the Caminho Real but into increasingly busy areas as we approach Porto.

Found Javier again


  1. Tracy Chugani | 11th Jun 23

    Ahh! The beautiful waterfall, pond and bridges and cobblestone walkways are all so inviting I see the walk was not smooth and must have been difficult at this point on your tired feet. Oh my! What a gorgeous environment to be in still! xo

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