Finding a New Normal

Crepe Myrtle blossoms carpet the garden

I’ve been feeling unsettled lately. Things in my life have been changing and I’ve been patiently waiting for a new normal to fall into place and that just hasn’t happened yet. See, I don’t have much contracting work at the moment. My main source of work has dried up, although I still have steady work one day a week. This leaves me with the dilemma of choosing between seeking a new full-time position and abandoning my “downshift” or waiting for another contracting opportunity to present itself. For the past few weeks I’ve been taking advantage of some extra work load from my remaining client and I’ve been working 3 days a week, on site. That’s been kind of cool, actually, because I’ve gotten back in touch with the co-workers that I’d been feeling distanced from. I’ve been working for that employer for four years, so it’s almost like stepping back in time to when I worked there every day. But eventually I may just have to start interviewing again if my budget can’t handle the lost income.

In the meantime, life continues… I’ve got my fall garden planted. Broccolis, cabbages, and kale all went in as transplants. The green onions are popping up and today I saw my first sprouts from the rows of lettuces that I planted. I’ve put in beet seeds, too, and prepped two of the beds for carrots and bulb onions.

My son Tristan is in the midst of college applications. I can’t help but nag. It’s my job 😉 and he has a tendency to procrastinate, but I don’t think he’s too happy with me right now. Tomorrow is the mid-semester break for my daughter Genevieve and she’ll be coming home from college. I’m looking forward to seeing her again and having the whole family together.